
A truly farmer-friendly initiative

Farmers are the backbone of any agrarian economy. And India being one of them, this initiative is aimed at helping farmers with the produce, storage and marketing. The main objective is to handhold the farmers to help them understand the demand and plan for the same based on what is most suited in the region. Since the data on the customer preference overtime has helped in understanding the demand, it is easier to plan accordingly. This planning helps the farmers get better returns per acre from the farm and improve their economic conditions. Right now this initiative is focussed on addressing the issues of a certain segment of farmers. This will soon be extended to dairy farming, poultry and allied activities.

A truly farmer-friendly initiative

Technical assistance to the farmers

To help support the farmers, a technical team has been constituted to study their agricultural processes and suggest best practices in farming. This will help improve the yield, return on investment, soil, environment and their overall lifestyle.  The team will help them understand the demand, choose the right seeds and guide them accordingly. They will suggest easy marketing techniques and offer buy back facility too.

Nurturing the crop for a good harvest

A good harvest requires good preparation. The farmers are guided to prepare the soil for natural farming which slowly discourages the use of chemicals and other pesticides. The team also works to ensure that ‘seed to sapling’ and ‘sapling to flowering’ is done effectively to prevent any losses. With the team’s inputs and careful supervision of the sapling’s initial growth, the farmers will be able to achieve a much higher percentage of flowering stage.

Some of the farmers who are not aware of the Government schemes and subsidies are helped by the team by identifying the one the most suited to the farmer. The team also acts as an intermediary help in Government departments for bank loans.

Ensuring the quality of the crop

It is not enough if a good harvest is achieved. The produce need to be of good to be sold in the market. Periodical checks of the saplings are done right from the beginning to check the quality. Monitoring the sapling at different intervals will help the team to detect infestation or take any pro-active measures to prevent any form of infestation. A good assessment, regular monitoring for various aspects helps in a healthy harvest.

Guaranteeing Buy Back

Farmers lack the expertise of marketing their produce and hence they do not get the right price for their efforts. The technical team comes to the rescue of the farmers by arranging a 100% buy back of their produce at a good price. This will reduce the farmer’s burden of finding buyers in the highly competitive market.

Empowering farmers with best practices

Farmers are focussed in their farms and are busy toiling away in the field. Knowing the latest technology or getting updated on the best practices is not their scheme of things. This is where the technical team steps in. Providing the farmers with information will enable them to improve their expertise in the field which in turn helps them get a better yield.

Training Sessions

The farmers lack knowledge on different agricultural practices. The technical team gives them proper exposure through periodic training and video sessions. This way, the farmers get themselves updated about the latest happenings on the agricultural front which will enable them to choose what is best suited for their requirement.

The active plot

The pilot project is presently running in a village at Tandur. The agricultural activity is in full swing and the farm produce is expected to come in the next few months.

Villages selected in Tandur Constituency for farming project:

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Training sessions
vegetable Types
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KGs Yield
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You can make a difference too

Join the team

We welcome people with zeal and enthusiasm to join the coordinator’s network and in many other functional roles in executing this initiative.

Partner with us

Like minded NGOs, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions etc can partner for networking this initiative at different places in the state.

Buy farm produce

Pre-booking can be done for the purchase of the farm produce at a very reasonable price.

Contact Janaki Rama Rao: 9440383864,   9154912835,    janakiramarao@prajabandhu.org